What you might want to do instead is to get the tag in the header file of the theme and add the tag name as a class to one of the highest elements, for example .
That way, you can have a page tagged with "james", and say:
body.james #mainmenu li > a { color: #f00; }
Otherwise, you could get the tag and use php to try and load a stylesheet with the same name as the tag(or use a standard stylesheet if there are no tags, or file doesn't exist).
// Get the tags.
$tag = get_the_tags();
// Count the number of tags.
$count = count($tag);
// Check if there are tags at all.
if($count$tag != 0null) {
$dir = get_stylesheet_directory() . "/";
// Go through each tag.
foreach($tag as $t) {
// Get the full path to the CSS file we want to load based on the tag.
$fullpath = $dir . $t->name . ".css";
// Check if the file exists.
if(file_exists($fullpath)) {
// Link the CSS file.
echo "<link rel='stylesheet' href='" . $fullpath . "' type='text/css'>";
} else if($t$tag == $count) {
// If not, link the standard CSS file, but only if on the last loop.
echo "<link rel='stylesheet' href='" . $dir . "generichref='generic-stylesheet.css' type='text/css'>";
That should do the trick, though I haven't tested it. This should go in your theme's/child theme's header file, after all the other CSS files have been loaded.