Here is the easy way for adding asynchronous to all custom js filefiles in wordpressWordPress.
Add in functions.php
// Async load for all style
function base_async_scripts($url)
if ( strpos( $url, '#asyncload') === false )
return $url;
else if ( is_admin() )
return str_replace( '#asyncload', '', $url );
return str_replace( '#asyncload', '', $url )."' async='async";
add_filter( 'clean_url', 'base_async_scripts', 11, 1functions.php
//add or change in url as mentioned below wp_enqueue_script( 'base-functions', get_template_directory_uri() . '/js/functions.js#asyncload', array( 'jquery' ), null, true );
// Async load for all style
function base_async_scripts($url)
if ( strpos( $url, '#asyncload') === false )
return $url;
else if ( is_admin() )
return str_replace( '#asyncload', '', $url );
return str_replace( '#asyncload', '', $url )."' async='async";
add_filter( 'clean_url', 'base_async_scripts', 11, 1 );
//add or change in url as mentioned below
wp_enqueue_script( 'base-functions', get_template_directory_uri() . '/js/functions.js#asyncload', array( 'jquery' ), null, true );