i have a web site with a problem in a tag "<title>
" , i see between site title and tagline this character (::) in home page and only one (:) in other page, in my header.php theme i have this :
<title><?php wp_title(); ?></title>
i tried also :
<title><?php wp_title(''); ?></title>
but i see same character:
after this i tried :
<?php $symbolo="|"; ?>
<title><?php wp_title($symbolo); ?></title>
and show this in frontend-sourcecode title:
this is a title :| this is a tagline
in normal circonstances <title><?php wp_title(); ?></title>
with this i see for homepage this:
this is a title :: this is a tagline
and for other page , i see this:
this is a title : this is a tagline
now i want use a symbol (|) instead (:) like this:
this is a title | this is a tagline
how solve this ?