I want to add a custom rewrite rule to my .htaccess.htaccess
file using a function inside functions.php
The rewrite rule I want to add is as follows:
RedirectMatch 301 ^/author/(.+)$ http://name-blog.com/$1
I know there is a wordpressWordPress function that adds a rewrite rule to the .htaccess.htaccess
$wp_rewrite->add_external_rule( 'mobile/([^/]+)$', 'mobile/index.php?action=$1' );
So, how can I use that to add my rewrite rule to .htaccess.htaccess
I found the solution just after posting here. Here is the codex: http://codex.wordpress.org/User:Amereservant/Editing_and_Customizing_htaccess_Indirectly
And this is the code I was looking for:
function my_htaccess_contents( $rules )
$my_content = <<<EOD
\n # BEGIN My Added Content
# Protect wpconfig.php
<Files wp-config.php>
Order Allow,Deny
Deny from all
# END My Added Content\n
return $my_content . $rules;
add_filter('mod_rewrite_rules', 'my_htaccess_contents');