You'd have to make you site categories slug match your theme categoriestheme categories folder names.
Here's how to filter themes: Hide a theme on list of themes in wp-admin without editing core filesHide a theme on list of themes in wp-admin without editing core files
And then, supposing a site has the category a-p
and the themes are stored in themes/a-p/
, this will filter them out:
add_filter( 'all_themes', 'remove_themes_ms_wpse_117537' );
function remove_themes_ms_wpse_117537( $themes )
if( 'site-themes-network' != get_current_screen()->id )
return $themes;
$site_cat = get_blog_option( absint( $_GET['id'] ), 'site_category' );
if( $site_cat )
# Unset themes not in the folder /themes/$site_cat/
foreach( $themes as $key => $theme )
if( strpos( $key, "$site_cat/" ) === false )
return $themes;