You have to check if the class exists, but before that you have to wait that all plugin are loaded: no one can assure that your plugin is loaded after WooCommerce.
For run a code from plugin when all plugin are loaded hook into plugins_loaded
Be aware that you cannot use this hook in a theme, because when theme load thethat hook it'swas already fired.
add_action('plugins_loaded', 'my_coupon_init');
function my_coupon_init() {
if ( class_exists('WC_Coupon') ) {
$coupon = new WC_Coupon($some_code);
// some code here
} else {
add_action('admin_notices', 'wc_not_loaded');
function wc_not_loaded() {
'<div class="error"><p>%s</p></div>',
__('Sorry cannot create coupon because WooCommerce is not loaded')