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2014 Moderator Election

nomination began
Jan 13, 2014 at 20:00
election began
Jan 20, 2014 at 20:00
election ended
Jan 28, 2014 at 20:00

On Stack Exchange, we believe the core moderators should come from the community, and be elected by the community itself through popular vote. We hold regular elections to determine who these community moderators will be.

Community moderators are accorded the highest level of privilege on our community, and should themselves be exemplars of positive behavior and leaders within the community.

Our general criteria for moderators is as follows:

  • patient and fair
  • leads by example
  • shows respect for their fellow community members in their actions and words
  • open to some light but firm moderation to keep the community on track and resolve (hopefully) uncommon disputes and exceptions

Every election has three phases:

  1. Nomination
  2. Primary
  3. Election

Please participate in the moderator elections by voting, and perhaps even by nominating yourself to be a community moderator!

When it comes to community, every thing should be helpful.

When I say helpful, I really mean it!

More experienced users made responsibilities for themselves anywhere and more specifically here on stack exchange community to aid newbies and all the askers who has a little or disastrous issue around the wordpress.

So each moderator, who is more than a user, needs a kindly, affectionate and friendly characteristic, not unlike the ones with feeling of self-respect and personal worth.

On the other hand of words of being a lovely moderator, I'm more than 2 years on advanced coding with wordpress - core modifying, plugin developing and theme coding.

Our friendship backs to v2.0, he changed every day when eyes were on repository modifications. I didn't let him alone and recommended it to more than million guys out there!

Always, there should be Hands of Helps.

After more than three years on this site I think it's time to ask you, the community, if you want me as part of the moderator team. As I already got 20k+ rep and maxed capabilities, I said that I don't throw my hat in the ring and make way for lower rep users to have a larger group of people moderating the site. When I look at how often I knock at our mods doors (see flag amount), I think that I now got a good feeling for how to handle most situations and take that work off of their shoulders.

Why vote for me? I participate on Meta, care about every detail of this site, care about how to vote and vote a lot (5,816 votes where 4,282 are upvotes) to give feedback and help search engines to make our most valuable content visible. I've written more than 1,2k answers with an outcome of more than 100 plugins and care about cleaning up and writing detailed answers. Still my start page is the review queue.

Oh, and I love cats. :)

I'm a full time PHP developer, and former game developer who has worked on high profile sites e.g,, amongst others. I have the 15th highest reputation on this site, with 3 years of activity on the site and in the chatrooms.

As the first British moderator here I would have the justification to greatly expand my role in the smooth running of this site. As a Code For The People employee, my nomination has their backing and support, as well as connections to the VIP program and European WordCamp Organisers.

Here I am at the WC Leiden Stack Exchange dinner, (credits to Rarst for the photo)

As an active user, known to the existing moderators, and knowledgeable of WordPress, I would be a good moderator.

If you agree, vote for me.

In my brief time with the WordPress StackExchange community, I have come to regard the site as my home on the 'net.

While I haven't accumulated any great sum of reputation in the year since I've joined, I have began striving to increase my involvement in the community. Every work day I am in The Loop, and while I have found that I don't always have the time to provide as thorough an answer to questions as I would like, there is always time for the meta-tasks that drive our community. In fact, I enjoy them more than providing answers themselves.

I am very interested in the quality of our community, and seek to eliminate ambiguity and facilitate precise communication as a personality trait. As a moderator, I would approach the position with the respect owed to a career move, and indeed seek to invest an amount of time into the betterment of our community appropriate for a second job.

I have recently begun working on a Google Chrome extension to make the editorial process more efficient.

With or without this position I will strive to maintain and improve upon the quality of my new home!

I've been around for a while now and surprisingly earned quite a bit of reputation. Maybe it shouldn't surprised me, but somehow I wasn't expecting it.
Not at least because I'm not a programmer, but on the other hand, all it needs is logical thinking and the willingness to read and learn. I certainly can do that and got reasonably good in the process.
At least good enough to answer questions, which is a way for me to learn and have fun. Besides that I'm trying to do my fair share of reviewing and participating at meta.

I feel like I'm balanced, fair and patient, which are important attributes for a moderator. As for other signs of moderation skills, at one point I had silently taken over - a exaggeration of course - the tag not longer to be spoken off, not because I really wanted to, but because nobody else was willing to - the reason was, to help those users, regardless of the discussion.

This nomination comes with a big caveat, because I'm most likely going to be traveling the second half of the year I can't promise to be as active as needed all year long. If I ever had a shot, there is good competition. But come on, we should have some primaries here on WPSE!

I have been here a year and three months now, according to the stats on my profile. 443 days have been consecutive, so I seem to be hooked.

In my relatively short time here, I've answered almost 1700 questions for just over 29000 reputation, which ought to demonstrate participation as well as sufficient technical knowledge. And I've earned a number of relevant badges including "Deputy", two gold "Stewart" badges, and the "Sportsmanship" badge, which ought to speak to "fairness". I vote quite a bit and watch the "Review" page constantly as well as the "Meta" site.

I am opinionated and not afraid to speak up (well, type up) where necessary but try hard not to be harsh.

I am not really a sales-person though, so this rather dry self-nomination is about as good as it gets :)

I'm a PHP developer and since 10 years, and I have an excellent knowledge of WordPress.

I'm part of this community from a relatively short period, just 6 months, however since first day I did my best to help community with my answers, comments and editing, becoming one of the 20 top rep users of the site.

I signed up 185 days ago, and for 184 I visited the site. I answered 452 questions, with an average of 2.44 answers per day and my average rep per day is 55, and both, if I'm not wrong, are the 2nd highest values among all users on this site.

I also have an active partecipation on review tasks: I have 6 bronze and 1 silver review badges, gained with a daily participation: looking at review stats I'm 27th in all time top editors list.

Stats listed above are not for self-congratulation: just to demonstrate the high level of activity, and the large amount of time I spent on this site.

I always try in answers, comments and chat to be as clear, exhaustive and patient as possible, and if you vote for me I'll put this attitude, all my efforts and necessary time to moderation tasks.

This election is over.