I have a custom endpoint where I want to change HTTP response status to 404 in certain scenarios (e.g post does not exist). How can I do that? Here is an example of custom endpoint:
function af_news_single( \WP_REST_Request $data ) {
global $wpdb;
$year = (int) $data['year'];
$month = (int) $data['month'];
$day = (int) $data['day'];
$slug = $data['slug'];
$date = "{$year}-{$month}-{$day}";
$news = $wpdb->get_row(
DATE_FORMAT(post_date, %s) as `post_date`,
FROM {$wpdb->posts}
`post_status` = 'publish' AND
`post_type` = 'post' AND
`post_name` = %s AND
`post_date` BETWEEN %s AND %s + INTERVAL 1 DAY
", '%Y-%m-%dT%TZ', $slug, $date, $date
if ( $news ) {
$news->post_title = qtranxf_translate( $news->post_title );
$news->post_content = wpautop( qtranxf_translate( $news->post_content ) );
} else { /* How to change response code? */ }
return [ 'data' => $news ];
How can I change response code in this function?