I've set up a select field labeled "asset_type" with two values: "image" and "video". I then have two fields that rely on conditional logic to be displayed. If "image" is selected from the select I show the "image_asset" field, and if "video" is selected from the select I show the "video_asset" field. Reading through the docs and a few other stack questions, I thought I had the logic setup correctly, but for the life of me can not get the content to display. This is what my code looks like:

<?php if(get_sub_field('asset_type') == "image") { ?>

    <div><?php the_sub_field('image_asset'); ?></div>

<?php } ?>

<?php if(get_sub_field('asset_type') == "video") { ?>

    <div><?php the_sub_field('video_asset'); ?></div>

<?php } ?>

Any help or advice is greatly appreciated, thanks!

  • did you try to echo get_sub_field('asset_type') to see whats returning? are you using repeater fields? otherwise, don't you want to use get_field() instead?
    – pcarvalho
    Apr 19, 2015 at 23:14
  • @peteroak thanks for replying! This block actually resides inside of a repeater field, and that's why I'm using sub_field. Echoing get_sub_field('asset_type') returns Image as text. Hmmm.
    – Darren
    Apr 19, 2015 at 23:18
  • on the good track then! well, thats it then: == "Image"
    – pcarvalho
    Apr 19, 2015 at 23:20
  • 1
    in case you didn't see the edit, you its capital I instead of i
    – pcarvalho
    Apr 19, 2015 at 23:23
  • HAH! That did it @peteroak. I can't believe I missed something so trivial. Capitalizing Image and Video in the PHP and all is working as expected. Thank you so much for your help.
    – Darren
    Apr 19, 2015 at 23:28

2 Answers 2


Just for the sake of closing the question:

<?php if(get_sub_field('asset_type') == "Image") { ?>
  <div><?php the_sub_field('image_asset'); ?></div>
<?php } ?>
<?php if(get_sub_field('asset_type') == "Video") { ?>
  <div><?php the_sub_field('video_asset'); ?></div>
<?php } ?>

If you wanted to use the value of your select field instead of the label in your statement you can do this in ACF:

image : Image
video : Video

And this in your template (using the value not the human readable label):

<?php if(get_sub_field('asset_type', '') == "image") { ?>
  <div><?php the_sub_field('image_asset'); ?></div>
<?php } ?>
<?php if(get_sub_field('asset_type', '') == "video") { ?>
  <div><?php the_sub_field('video_asset'); ?></div>
<?php } ?>

Here get_sub_field('asset_type') has been changed to get_sub_field('asset_type', '')

This is a much cleaner option when faced with long labels e.g.

video : First Event Video 1920x1080

It also allows you to quickly change the label for the user without having to rework your code.

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