I am looking to set up a private community using WordPress. The requirements are:

  • User can "register" somewhere
  • An admin will "approve" them
  • The user gets an email "you have been approved"
  • The user can then login and access the site and can make posts and reply to stuff

Some plugins are able to help parts of this: Private, Private WP, User Roles, but no combination produces what I want.

Is there a way to do this with WordPress?

  • Yes it is possible but you have to write a whole plugin. This can't be achieved by few lines of code. So start extracting what you need from each plugin and combine them. Jun 17, 2013 at 10:37

1 Answer 1


You can combine these features by using the free versions of two plugins, Profile Builder that allows you to create a register form, the option of an admin approval and email confimation, login options; and Members that gives you control over which users (by role) have access to post content.

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