Questions tagged [google-plus]

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Google + auto post publish

I want that my wordpress post auto publish on google+. I have already done this auto pulishing feature on other socail networks like facebook,linkedin and twitter. There are some plugin also ...
2 votes
1 answer

Retrieving Google Plus share count with wp_remote_post

So I've spent most of my morning working on my website's customized social share buttons. Reading out Twitter and Facebook shares were no problem, but Google Plus is a real challenge, as they don't ...
2 votes
2 answers

Google Authorship on a multi-author blog?

I hav been having some difficulties getting authorship set up for a multi-author blog. Everything appears to be set up correctly, but I am wondering if having multiple rel="author" tags on the home ...
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1 answer

Add Google+ Badge to Posts - Specific to Author

I want to add a Google+ author badge to the posts/reviews on my website. This would normally be a simple integration of the code that Google provides: ...
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1 answer

how to connect the author profile with google webmaster tools in multiuser blog?

in this page google help us to enable our profile image on google search list when some one search get results from our blog post. my question not about how to do that ... like this link that closed ....
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1 answer

how to show Author information in search results

Google search result does not show author information or thumbnail images. the source code look like this <link rel="author" href=""/> ...
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3 answers

Is there a WordPress plugin that can post to Google+? [closed]

I am using WP to Twitter on my WordPress blog to trigger a tweet every time I post something. Obviously this is for Twitter only, I need something to post on Google+ too.
3 votes
2 answers

Is it possible to integrate Wordpress *posts* and social media (Facebook, Google+, Twitter)? [closed]

Is there a plugin available that will automatically post an excerpt of a blog post (perhaps up to the more tag) to specified social media groups/pages. So, for example, on posting an excerpt would be ...
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3 answers

Display a consistent Google Plus icon on ALL pages of my site

My website is and I have managed to setup the Google Plus script. The issue is that every page of the site displays a different Google Plus count. For example, if you go on my ...
1 vote
1 answer

Simple plugins to post info about new blog entries?

I am looking for some plugins that would automatically post information about new blog entries (posts) to my facebook/google+ pages. But - simple search through plugins listing shows that such ...
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1 answer

facebook like, tweet and google+1 buttons inside the loop on home, archive and search pages and missing facebook like buttons

Is there a way to add social media buttons, especially facebook like, tweet and google+1 inside the loop for each post on home, search and archive pages without getting masses of script downloads? ...
0 votes
1 answer

Does a Google + RSS Plugin Exist?

There are post to Facebook/Twitter plugins but I can't find one for Google Plus. Does anybody know if such a plugin exists or if there is a better solution? It would be nice to have content ...
3 votes
1 answer

Is there a plugin that pushes posts to your Google+ profile?

A Google+ equivalent to Simple Twitter Connect that pushes every post you make to your G+ profile - does such a plugin exist?
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2 answers

Google Plus One script has quit working, now returns red flag

Here's the Google Plus One script I've been using: <g:plusone a href="<?php echo urlencode(get_permalink($post->ID)); ?>"></g:plusone> Worked fine until it didn't. Now it's ...