I have installed a plugin called marketpress. And it have a url as http://www.mydomain.com/store/shopping-cart/shipping/ Now i just want to know which php page it refers to.

In my db and found there is a row in wp_options table with the key rewrite_rules and it have

[store/shopping-cart/?$] => index.php?pagename=cart
[store/shopping-cart/([^/]+)/?$] => index.php?pagename=cart&checkoutstep=$matches[1]

so as per my url the link will be as like index.php?pagename=cart&checkoutstep=shipping

If the url is like this which php page the wordpress will look for?

Basically i am a cakephp developer. So all i think is for a controller and action something like that.

Can someone explain me how can i find the how the wordpress will refer tot he dependent php page base on the url? Which page i should refer if ?pagename=cart is passed is passed

My english may poor. But i hope you guys understand what i am trying to ask :\


1 Answer 1


You can best analyse the URL rewrites with the URL Rewrite Analyser which has been developed by Jan Fabry, see the following answer for more information.

Furthermore you can change the structure of the permalinks under the Options --> Permalinks of the WordPress admin section.

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