Not 100% sure if this one classes as a php question or is specifically Wordpress...

I'm implementing the Wordpress Settings API with a tabbed settings page. I've added a 'reset tab' button, but since the validation is done on a separate page (options.php) I can't seem to figure out which tab I'm on - without adding the tab as a hidden field, which I want to avoid.

I've found the wp_get_referer() function, but that gives me the full URL - I'm not sure how to pull the tab=tab1 out as a variable.

Update - Answer:

$url = parse_url(wp_get_referer());
parse_str($url['query'], $path);
$tab = $path['tab'];

As said in the answers, some validation is then required.

  • You are doing this without Javascript?
    – s_ha_dum
    Feb 4, 2013 at 14:48
  • Yep. My form is located at wordpress/wp-admin/options-general.php?page=967slug_settings_page&tab=tab3 (notice the tab parameter) The settings_API then submits the form to options.php (Wordpress core) which then calls a validation function (written by me). I'm trying to get the value of the tab parameter within the validation function. The wordpress function wp_get_referer() gives me the full URL (URI?) - exactly as above - but I'm not sure how to extract the value of 'tab' from that.
    – Jamie
    Feb 4, 2013 at 16:41

1 Answer 1


If tab=tab is in the URL then:

global $_GET;
var_dump($_GET); // debugging only; You should be able to see what you need.

That is pure PHP. If your really need to process that string (I don't know why your would) use parse_url then use parse_str on the query part of it.

$path = parse_url($url);
$path = parse_str($path, $output);
var_dump($output); // again, just debugging

For completeness, please don't use any of those values without validating them.

Did I misunderstand you?

  • Unfortunately, I can't use $_GET as the URL I'm trying to take the parameter from is the referer not the current URL. However, given that I can get access to the referer through the wp_get_referer function, I think I can pull together something that uses parse_url and parse_str to get by tab parameter. Thanks for the help
    – Jamie
    Feb 4, 2013 at 17:23
  • Just to close this down properly, I've been playing around with your suggestions to get an answer, which I've added to my original quesiton. @s_ha_dum - thanks for the help.
    – Jamie
    Feb 5, 2013 at 12:27

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