im trying to get this to work for 3 different pages

it was working fine with 1 rewrite, then when i added 2 more its not working for any of them.

heres the code:

function add_video_rewrite () 
    add_rewrite_tag("%video_id%", '([^/]*)');
    add_rewrite_tag("%video_slug%", '([^/]*)');
    add_rewrite_rule('^video/([^/]*)/([^/]*)', 'video/?video_id=$matches[1]&video_slug=$matches[2]', 'bottom');
add_action( 'init', 'add_video_rewrite' );

function add_team_rewrite () 
    add_rewrite_tag("%team_id%", '([^/]*)');
    add_rewrite_tag("%team_slug%", '([^/]*)');
    add_rewrite_rule('^videos/team/([^/]*)/([^/]*)', 'videos/?team_id=$matches[1]&team_slug=$matches[2]', 'bottom');
add_action( 'init', 'add_team_rewrite' );

function add_league_rewrite () 
    add_rewrite_tag("%league_id%", '([^/]*)');
    add_rewrite_tag("%league_slug%", '([^/]*)');
    add_rewrite_rule('^videos/league/([^/]*)/([^/]*)', 'videos/?league_id=$matches[1]&league_slug=$matches[2]', 'bottom');
add_action( 'init', 'add_league_rewrite' );

1 Answer 1


Your rewriterules arn't correct anymore. You changed

add_rewrite_rule('^video/([^/]*)/([^/]*)/[^/]*)', 'index.php?pagename=video&video_id=$matches[1]&video_src=$matches[2]&video_title=$matches[3]', 'top');


add_rewrite_rule('^video/([^/]*)/([^/]*)/[^/]*)', 'video/&video_id=$matches[1]&video_src=$matches[2]&video_title=$matches[3]', 'bottom');

The correct rewriterules for your pages are: Video

add_rewrite_rule('^video/([^/]*)/([^/]*)/[^/]*)', 'index.php?pagename=video&video_id=$matches[1]&video_src=$matches[2]&video_title=$matches[3]', 'top');


add_rewrite_rule('^videos/team/([^/]*)/([^/]*)', 'index.php?pagename=videos&team_id=$matches[1]&team_slug=$matches[2]', 'top');


add_rewrite_rule('^videos/league/([^/]*)/([^/]*)', 'index.php?pagename=videos&league_id=$matches[1]&league_slug=$matches[2]', 'top');

For team and league I assumed your WordPress page is "videos". If it is the subpage then you have to change "pagename=videos" to "pagename=videos/team" and "pagename=videos/league" in your rewriterules.

  • i just made your changes and it still shows "Page Not Found" when i try and visit it. yes the pages are called "video" and "videos".
    – scarhand
    Commented Jan 21, 2012 at 23:36
  • Did you flush your rewriterules? (go to settings > permalinks) Commented Jan 21, 2012 at 23:37
  • flushing fixed it. however on the pages i now get the the error "Compilation failed: unmatched parentheses at offset 29 in /home/public_html/wp-includes/class-wp.php on line 201"
    – scarhand
    Commented Jan 21, 2012 at 23:39
  • I really don't know why this wouldn't work. All page get that error? Commented Jan 21, 2012 at 23:50
  • no, just the ones that use the custom rewrite rule.
    – scarhand
    Commented Jan 21, 2012 at 23:52

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