Working on a project with a lot of galleries & "attachment" post type queries. It's all working great except I noticed in the Attachment Details box in the admin dashboard that Wordpress stores & displays the attachment upload author & uploaded to post. So the question - does anybody have experience or know how to return the upload author & uploaded to post ID within the loop of a custom attachment query?

I've searched through the codex and stackexchange but haven't been able to come up with anything.


  • Can you post your attachment query?
    – Howdy_McGee
    Apr 27, 2015 at 20:05

2 Answers 2


Attachments count as a built-in post type which is extremely similar to Posts and Pages. The field you're looking for is post_author.

If you have an attachment object:


If you only have the attachment ID you can use

get_post_field( $attachment_id, 'post_author );

To get the actual Post the the attachment was originally uploaded to you can use:


Thanks to @howdy_mcgee for the first answer! I actually was on that track as he was posting. To answer the second part of my question of getting the uploaded to post_id, that is equivalent to the post parent which I grabbed simply with get_post( $post->post_parent );

Thanks for the help!

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