I removed some widgets from the dashboard in the wrong way (using unset() on $wp_meta_boxes) and as a side effect my dashboard widget area is now split into 4 columns, but with just the first 2 having the normal default widgets in, thus the page is squashed.

Is there a way to change the amount of widget columns in the dashboard? They are all active as I can drag and drop the widgets around, but now 4 is too many. I am using Wordpress 3.1.3 so don't have the new admin interface yet.

1 Answer 1


Under "Screen Options", you can change the number of columns. Does that fix your problem?

Dashboard with Number of Columns option visible

  • That's what I read about, but I don't have screen options box :S
    – Dunhamzzz
    May 27, 2011 at 9:48
  • Gah it was a plugin disabling it! Sorted it now, thanks.
    – Dunhamzzz
    May 27, 2011 at 9:51

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