I'm using WP_Ajax_Response(); to respond to some ajax and output it to a div, everything works great. But how exactly do I respond if I want to output some php in to a div?

A wordpress loop for example. I assume can't just do $response = include 'loopHandle.php'; and then $("body.blog #content").html(this.data);

I've seen some methods that make a call directly to your file and then use wp_load(); but I've heard that's something we should stay away from.

I also know that an AJAX response must be in JSON or XML, so how do I get php into my div?


On this click event:

$link_url = esc_url(wp_nonce_url( admin_url('admin-ajax.php?&action=dynamic_date&my_date='.$date), "dynamic_date_nonce")); ?>
<li><a href='<?php echo $link_url; ?>' id='sort-month'>
<?php _e($fmonth,'sort-month'); ?></a></li>

I send over my action, nonce and date key-pairs. I then capture those key-pairs using something like:

var s = {};
s.response = 'ajax-response';
s.type = "GET";
s.url = sortbydate.ajax_url;
s.data = $.extend(s.data, { action: url.action, _ajax_nonce: url._wpnonce, my_date: url.my_date });
s.global = false;
s.timeout = 30000;
s.success = function(r) {
res = wpAjax.parseAjaxResponse(r,this.response);
$.each( res.responses, function() {
switch(this.what) {
case "fulldate":
$("body.blog #content").html(this.data);

The important variable here is the my_date key-pair. The action then kicks off this function in my functions.php.

function dynamic_date() {
$fdate = $_GET['my_date'];
$response = new WP_Ajax_Response();
'what' => 'fulldate',
'data' => $fdate)); //get and send the data you want to front end.
} //end action jackson

Which outputs "2012-9" or whatever date I click on. That's great, works fine for test purposes, but now I want to use that date by exploding it into an an array and use those variables in a wordpress loop.

Currently I have the loop in a file called loopHandle.php, but it's not making use of the date variables as if my understanding is correct I can't access them from loopHandle.php? If I could, then I'd just use $fdate = $_GET['my_date']; in loopHandle.php and finish my loop.

I'm still left with the conundrum of loading loopHandle.php into my div though.

The one method I assume is the way to go about it is to form the loop in my functions.php, somehow convert it into JSON or XML and out put it on my page.

  • Please post more code to put your question into context.
    – s_ha_dum
    Sep 16, 2013 at 15:13
  • I see nothing that saves anything to the database. What am I missing? Am I just blind?
    – s_ha_dum
    Sep 16, 2013 at 15:38
  • Sorry, what about the database? :D
    – UzumakiDev
    Sep 16, 2013 at 15:47
  • @s_ha_dum It seems that his guy has done what I'm looking to do stackoverflow.com/questions/11887760/… I've added dataType html to my object and added the loop to my functions.php but still nothing.
    – UzumakiDev
    Sep 16, 2013 at 17:41


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