i'm hosting several sites. they all have the same base theme that i need to install. I want to develop this theme and have them updated on all the sites simultaneously.

I have the following folder structure

 \ mytheme

   \ foo.com 
   \ foobar.com
   \ foosite.com

Would there be any issue with symlinking each site with my theme into each site's wp-config/theme/ folder? Not interested in multisite. Had to developed sites seperately.

2 Answers 2


That will work fine - just make sure they all have read and write access to that shared folder. The symlink command should be:

ln -s

StackOverflow question: Can two different WordPress blogs on the same server use a common theme folder?


Or, do a multisite install -- the themes directory is shared by all sites and each theme can be enabled on a site by site basis.

  • right. but that's not the question.
    – chrisjlee
    Aug 5, 2011 at 4:15

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